Monday, September 30, 2013
Caleb will moderate Wednesday's blog posts
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Gospel Worship Pagination for September 30 and October 2
Blue GW
p. 100 "The sixth is, if you will sanctify God's name in worship there must be a humble frame of spirit." through p. 110 "Now then, put all nine things together and see by them what we ought to do so that we may sanctify the name of God in holy duties."
Yellow GW
p. 109 "Sixth, if you will sanctify God's name in worship, there must be a humble frame of spirit." through p. 119 "Now then, put all these nine things together and see by them what we ought to do that we may sanctify the name of God in holy duties."
October 2
Blue GW
p. 111 "There is something further to be spoken that may help you sanctify God's name in holy duties, and that is the various workings of the heart suitable to the various attributes of God." through p. 124 "Do not rest in any of your performances. Labor to perform duties as well as you can, but when you have done all, know that you are unprofitable servants after all, and renounce all as in the point of justification. Rest upon something else, otherwise you are undone forever."
Yellow GW
p. 120 "There is something further to be spoken to help you sanctify God's name in holy duties and that is the various workings of the heart suitable to the various attributes of God" through p. 132 "Do not rest in any of your performances. Labor to perform duties as well as you can, but when you have done everything, know that you are unprofitable servants after all, and renounce all as in the point of justification, and rest upon something else. Otherwise you are done forever."
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Where is the Joy?
The blessings of corporate worship have oft been forgotten. We become thoroughly embroiled in the conflict that is modern worship, easily overlooking the devastating absence of irreplaceable worship-joys.
Of course, these joys, or blessings, are contingent upon certain elements:
- The reading of the word
- The preaching of the word
- The hearing of the word
- The singing of the word
- The seeing of the word - (GPTG 103).
The Church Family
The balance is the hard part. At what point is accommodating visitors too much in that it ends up neglecting the family?
"Who does this? Who is the man, or where is he that will do this, subject the worship of God to his base lusts?" (Burroughs 94, or Ch5 ¶9).
I have discovered that it is often I. I use duties like prayer and attentiveness to the preaching of the Word to cover up my sin and ease my guilty conscience. I have never spoken thus, "Who will think me to be guilty of such a vile thing when I pray as I do and am so careful to hear the Word? I hope I shall cover some wickedness this way." Rather, this has been in the deep recesses of my heart.
But after some consideration, I believe that often times I have worshiped God from a pure heart. The problem lies in my tendency to look back at the performance of particular duties in order to bring attention to them as being the reason I don't have to feel guilty over a recent outworking of sin. Since my conscious tells me that I do indeed subject the worship of God to such base ends, I have asked the Lord to rebuke me today and speak to my heart. At least in this moment, I am confident that I do not want to pollute the name of God.
So the question is this: how do I know if I am subjecting the worship of God to my own base lusts and ends?
Proverbs 20:5 ESV The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
4 bloggers (not joggers) for September 25
A couple of things that might strengthen our conversations:
1. Draw your observations from the text. Let the text inform your thoughts. Don't use the text to make an observation apart from where the text has lead you.
2. Let your blog naturally work its way to a question that the class can discuss. Observations, yes of course, but a question that arises from the text at the end of the post will better help us promote discussion.
Gospel Worship Pagination for September 23 and 25
Blue GW
p. 78 "Herein lies, I believe the main difference between the most glorious hypocrite in the world and one who has true grace . . ." through p. 90 "Therefore they cannot be quiet unless they attend upon God in the duties of his worship; but still this is not enough merely to satisfy conscience."
Yellow GW
p. 84 "Herein lies, I believe, the main difference between the most glorious hypocrite in the world and the one who has true grace . . ." through p. 97 "Therefore they cannot be quiet unless they attend upon God in the duties of His worship--but still this is not enough merely to satisfy conscience."
September 25
Blue GW
p. 90 "Therefore they cannot be quiet unless they attend upon God in the duties of his worship; but still this is not enough merely to satisfy conscience." through p. 100 "There are all these expressions to show the strength of their spirits in following after their idols. And that is the fifth thing in our sanctifying God's name."
Yellow GW
p. 97 "Therefore they cannot be quiet unless they attend upon God in the duties of His worship--but still this is not enough merely to satisfy conscience." through p. 109 "There are all these expressions to show the strength of there spirits in following after their idols."
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Work/Worship Conundrum
If our hearts are not right with God, our duty is not to keep our distance, but to run to Him in humility, realizing our own weakness and continually seeking Him out. It is important to note that at the end of God's admonition of false worship in Amos, He tells His people to "Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." Draw near to God, cleanse your hands, purify your heart, and allow Him to change you.
Something Greater than Ourselves

Worship Pharmaceuticals
Friday, September 13, 2013
Bloggers for Wednesday, September 18
I posted the four bloggers for this coming Thursday, September 18th, In the syllabus.
Gospel Worship Pagination for September 16 and 18
Monday, September 16
Gospel Worship (Blue)
pp. 56 "Take these two examples. The first is Rehoboam, and the second is Jehoshaphat . . ."
pp. 66 "Acquaint yourselves with this work of preparation, and so you may have hearts fitted to come into God's presence at any time."
Gospel Worship (Yellow)
pp. 61 "Take these two examples. The first is Rehoboam, and the second is Jehoshaphat . . ."
pp. 71 "Acquaint yourselves with this work of preparation, and so you may have hearts fitted to come into God's presence at any time."
Wednesday, September 18
Gospel Worship (Blue)
pp. 67 "Two Cases of Conscience"
pp. 78 "If it were possible for a creature to be enlarged to God infinitely, it would be."
Gospel Worship (Yellow)
pp. 72 "Two Cases of Conscience"
pp. 84 "If it were possible for a creature to be enlarged to God infinitely, it would be."
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Nourishing Affections?
Do Means Matter?
How ‘bout Them Packers?

Because Worshiping God Isn't "Have It Your Way"
God takes worship very seriously. While He may not be striking people down left and right today for not worshiping Him correctly, I wonder how many of us would be guilty of wrong worship, and God, in His great mercy, spared us. He owns us, and can do with us as He pleases. It's easy for us to forget our smallness, but when we look at God in all His greatness, power, and goodness, we remember.
Mind? or Heart Worship?
"Chronological Snobbery"