Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Truth Wars

The worship battles might be about style, but the war is about truth.

Scripture is clear that we are in the midst of a spiritual war. And contrary to popular culture, the devil is not so undisguised as to prance around with a pitchfork and red suit, nor is he, as the song would put it, “under my feet.” Satan is cunning and a student not only of scripture but also of culture. The Bible shows that one of Satan’s greatest deceptions is that of misdirection. Rather than openly combat the object of our worship, he rearranges our priorities by having us focus on the means elevating our taste and preferences over our purpose. Simply put, it is role reversal just as we see time and time again in scripture: children acting like parents, men acting like women, women wanting to be men, music being more important than worship, etc. This semester has provided a few simple principles to combat this travesty.

First, “How we worship determines whom we worship. That is why both the medium and the message, both the means and the object must be attended in worship” (GPTG pg. 33). If both the means and the message are important than it is vital for those to be done correctly or we risk offering strange fire like Nadab and Abihu.

Second, to find the correct means and message we must “Read the Bible, preach the Bible, pray the Bible, sing the Bible, and see the Bible” (GPTG pg. 65). The Bible is key. If we truly desire to serve God then we must do it on his terms. “Violation of God’s commands on worship is viewed as breaking the covenant and is cataclysmic in its consequences.” (GPTG pg. 39)

Third, the focus should be on truth. The bible does not come with hymnal notation it comes with words. This is the vehicle in which God has chosen to reveal Himself. Therefore, if the words are ever subjected to human will and taste, it is a corruption of what God has ordained. Also, if the main focus is truth then Christians should disdain chronological snobbery. This legalism can be seen on both extremes, either only using what was written two hundred years ago or only using what was written five days ago. “If there has ever been an age so myopically transfixed by its own importance and significance and a people so quick to dismiss its spiritual heritage, the age is ours and the people are evangelical.” (GPTG pg. 256) We are part of a universal body. Let us rejoice whenever truth is proclaimed regardless of the style.

In conclusion, the worship we present is not a matter of style but a matter of spirit and truth. When we gather together let us not fall prey to the enemies trap and commence fighting amongst us. Let us prepare. Let us know the word and let the word prescribe out methods. Let our worship be saturated in truth. “The God whom we come to worship is a great and glorious God and, having to deal with such an infinite, glorious, dreadful Majesty, it is fitting that we should make preparation when we come nigh unto Him.”(GW pg. 56)

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