There are several negative consequences that may arise out of discussing and studying some foundational issues in corporate worship. Particularly the tendency for some of us to become stagnated or calculated in our methods, some of us may turn into quick polemics with slow hearts for genuine ministry, while some may desire to worship God genuinely but lose touch with those around us who (or whom, whichever one is correct) we are worshipping with.
In our Give Praise to God text, Duncan spends an entire chapter calling for churches to hear and pray the Word in order that a church may "build a foundation...on the words of Christ [to] endure like a rock and not be shaken (p.160)". Though we, sitting in class today, are not in a church building I believe that we have a responsibility to pray God's word, making requests to God for His people knowing that many of them do not worship in a way that we would consider pleasing to God.
I believe that in a class like this and on a campus like this we can so easily lose sight of the fact that our greatest defense against worship that displeases God is not (necessarily) Jeremiah Burroughs, Ligon Duncan, James Boice, or Doc Harris. It is the humble and honest prayer of righteous people to a God who indeed seeks that His name be glorified, asking that He would open minds and hearts to people who are not worshipping Him in the specific ways He requires.
Burroughs asserts that we ought to be the kind of people who "keep their hearts close with God in ways of all times...fitted to...pray continually (p.72)". Notice he does NOT say that we need to be the kinds of people always fitted to argue or philosophize.
In John 17:17 as Christ is praying for the disciples He asks the Father to "sanctify them by truth, Thy word is truth" and it forces me to realize that God's word is what will change people's hearts about worship (among many, many other matters). Though truth can come from many places, it is especially important that we live, breathe, and pray God's word revealed through scripture.
Therefore, in our knowledge of God let us not be "puffed up" as Paul might say but let us lovingly guide our brothers and sisters towards the truth of God's worship through our lives, our speech, and our prayers. Let us be slow to walk into service bashing our least favorite worship leader or author and swift to encourage someone to discover why God demands worshipping in knowledge. Let us be quick to listen to others views or ideas on controversial matters and slow to speak our presuppositions (even when they seem true) into someone else.
Pray that the love of God be rooted in us, charity and brotherly love flow from us helping us govern our tongues. Pray that we may go about worshipping and performing our duties pleasantly and cheerfully as we sing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs that teach and admonish one another so that we may fellowship and worship in the bond of peace that unites us all.
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