I want to harmonize three statements that Burrough's makes (as if he did not intend to have all of the content of his sermons be in harmony with each other).
"It is not the speaking of a man you are going to attend, but you are now going to attend upon God and to hear the Word of the eternal God." (161, ¶1)
Do you want to sanctify God's name in the hearing of His Word? You must know what you are coming to hear. Prepare your hearts to receive truth that is not subject to change, although a sinner will be preaching.
"Let us go hear Christ preach, for as it concerns the ministers of God that they preach not themselves, but that Christ should preach in them, so it concerns you who hear not to come to hear this man or that man, but to come to hear Jesus Christ." (161, ¶2)
Except for a few select instances, most preaching that you sit under will contain a good amount of Scriptural truth, regardless of how it is ordered. These truths are from the Word of God and might be used by Jesus Christ despite the preacher to teach you something that will further conform you into his image. In fact, I would argue that in just about any context, if I was to prepare my heart in the right way and push through what confusion or dullness there may be in the preaching, I would be able to grow in my sanctification. I want to hear what Jesus has to say, not what a man has to say. He should be asking Jesus to use him.
"When you come to hear the Word, come with longing desires after the Word. Come with an appetite for it...as newborn babes." (167, ¶1)
I love the point Burrough's makes about the fact that babies don't wish to play with milk, rather they desire to be fed and nourished. We should be afraid of playing with the Word. We should hunger for the Word to nourish our souls.
The point I want to make is that Jesus Christ speaks to us through the preaching of the eternal Word of God in order to nourish our souls. This is what we should have a hungry desire for, and we should pray that God would grant us the opportunity to learn and grow as much as possible from the words of Scripture that are proclaimed through the voices of men.
After we "pray beforehand that God would open our eyes and our hearts and accompany His Word," what are ways in which we do or could prepare our hearts to hear Christ preach the Word of the eternal God?
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