Monday, October 14, 2013

How today's reading (pp. 136-147) works

How should one keep close to God in holy duties? (136)

So that one might:

Grow in godliness
Thrive in godliness
Find more comfort in the ways of godliness 
Find yourselves, as it were, in another world
Enjoy communion with God
Make your faces shine in your conversations if you will do it

And not go on in a:
Ordinary (way)

Three things that I would propound to you:

1. Learn to know God more with whom you have to do, and present those things that you have before you in your meditation. (136)

with care like the story of Valerius Maximus about the young nobleman who would not disturb Alexander in his service even though a hot coal fell upon his flesh and burned it (p. 137).

Argument from the lesser to the greater: "If heathens made such ado in sacrificing to their idol gods, that they would mind it so as that no disturbance must be made whatever they endured, what care should we have, then, or ourselves when we come to worship the high God." (p. 137)

2. Take heed that you do not come in your own strength (p. 137).
3. Do not satisfy yourself merely in the duty done, but consider, "Do I sanctify God's name in the duty."
dull heart (Isaiah 29:13)

In other words:
"If we do not sanctify God's name, God will sanctify His name in a way of justice (and that's not what we want. We don't want justice). If we do sanctify His name, then He will sanctify His name in a way of mercy towards us." (p. 138)

Question: How does God appear that He will not accept them? (p. 139)

1. By cursing those who worship Him in a formal way (Anglicanism in context, Isaiah 29:13).
2. Awakening their consciences, many times, upon their sick beds and death beds.

But then on the other side: "e will sanctify His name in a way of mercy for gracious and  sincere and upright hearts who make conscience of sanctifying God's name in duties (p. 142).

"Oh, that the Spirit of God would bring things into your remembrance!" (p. 144).

Second half of the book (p. 145) How to sanctify God's name in the worship of God particularly. "You must not rest barely in hearing, but take heed how you hear. (p. 146)

1. Hearing God's Word is a part of the worship of God.
2. I shall show you how we are to sanctify God's name in hearing His Word.
3. Why it is that God will be sanctified in this ordinance of His.
4. How God will sanctify Himself in those who do not sanctify His name in hearing the Word.
5. How God will sanctify His name in ways of mercy to those who are careful to sanctify His name in hearing His word.

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