Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Where to draw a line of caution?

"Better yet is to use a thing in the manner for which it has been designed. My son may say, "But, Daddy, I like to ride my two-wheel bike by dangling my feet to the ground and pushing myself along. I would answer him, 'You can do that and enjoy yourself, but it works so much better if you use the pedal for their real purpose' (Boice pg. 270-271). As I think on scripture and the purpose it has both in my life and the life of others, I should not settle with anything less than Gods Word when it comes matters such as how I should worship. But even more so, how much more should it apply when it comes to matters such as what I sing about; Christ. This is not to discourage christian contemporary artist from writing worship music which can be sung in churches, but much like the child on the bike, there is a proper and improper way to use it. Thus, if our voices were created by God in order that we may proclaim truth both in speech and in song, why is it that much Psalm singing has dwindled over the years? Or for that matter, scripture singing in general? The issue seems all to important and thus should not be swept under the rug. If such a complacency has crept into the hearts of Christian men and women over the years in regards to corporately worshiping God through song with His own word, how much further will we take it 20, 30, 50 years down the road if it is not properly addressed?

"The Bible either has converting and sanctifying power or it does not. if faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17), then they key to creating and building faith in sinner and saints is Gods word. Psalm singing will build the kingdom of God. (Boice pg. 283"

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