Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Truth Matters

This constant back and forth concerning hymns is really quite tiring. The issue is never addressed because the terms are never explained. With that in mind, I propose that we initially forsake the issue of hymnody and that we focus on Truth. Let us take a few moments and observe verities, if you will, of truth.

Truth is always discovered. No human can create truth. They can merely observe it or use it. Nothing has ever come to be true based on what a man has said. It was already true before. For example, gravity did not become true because of Isaac Newton. Rather it was observed and then became accepted as truth.
God is the only one who can create truth. God can speak and have truth come into existence. Jesus Himself was Truth and his word is, and always will be, True.

Truth is always relevant. Truth will never go out of style. It will never become “untrue” for lack of use. Therefore, to use terms such as conservative, traditional, or old just so that one can be free of truth is complete ignorance and according to Romans 1.18 leads to God’s wrath.

Although so much more can be said concerning Truth, these simple principles can help us in our quest to Praise God. A hymn is a song of praise to God. That’s it. If Truth is always discovered, God is always the creator, and is always relevant, our hymns to be truly glorifying to God must be true. Therefore, they must be based on scripture. And if the hymn is based on truth why do we doubt if it will be relevant? If society dealt with science the same way the church deals with music we would still be in the dark ages. Every ten years we would have to be rid of The Laws of Thermodynamics because they just aren’t our style. Even worse, imagine going shopping, you would never be able to figure out the bill because math never takes into account how I’m feeling today.

Why must we be so concerned with the date of Truth? If the hymn is historical, let us consider it joy that a brother has discovered that truth and shared it with us. And then let us go to the Word that is living and seek out more truths so that we may share it with those to come.

“If there has ever been an age so myopically transfixed by its own importance and significance and a people so quick to dismiss its spiritual heritage, the age is ours and the people are evangelical.” GPTG pg. 256

Is this a matter that the worship leader slowly teaches the congregation? Or do you think it's too late and that culture's hold too strong and it needs to be addressed in a more direct manor?

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