Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why we worship

Boice points out that,

          "We strive to to be sure that all that we sing is scriptural, that our prayers are saturated with Scripture, that much of the Word of God is read in each public service, and that preaching is based on the Bible--in order that we might honor the one true God and not some idol of  our own invention. The Bible supplies the substance of and direction for our worship and thus provides the surest way to know who God is and what He is like.

In the story of the golden calf, Aaron takes the problem into his own hands and without consulting God, tries to come up with his own man-made solution. But this plan goes entirely against what God commanded of the people of Israel. And results in idolatry.
Earlier on in the chapter Boice stated that "The Bible was to be our rule for how we worship God, because the Bible is our rule for how we are to think about God--and how we worship in turn impacts our concept of God. So that is why both the means and the message are important in how we worship God.

Unfortunatly, today we are much more concerned with the means of our worship instead of the Who of our worship. We spend too much time worrying about what kind of music we should play that will please the audience instead of spending that time preparing our hearts to truly worship God. I think if we really understood the seriousness that God places on worship. And the reason for why we are worship we would quickly dismiss all of our "methods" in order to bring true honor and glory to God.

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